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  Enhancing Academic Achievement : A Role of Some Personality Factors

Enhancing Academic Achievement : A Role Of Some Personality Factors

by N.R. Sharma

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  In a developing country like India where the optimal utilization of meager resources is imperative there is a pressing need to examine the returns to educational investment to ascertain whether they are commensurate with the investment itself. In the light of the rejection of the theory that academic performance is exclusively a function of intelligence, the analysis of other factors assumes a special importance. In particular scholastic under achievement in Indian seems less a question of intellectual inability than of the failure of the educational system to synchronise the twin processes of personality development and scholastic growth. Because of the personality variables creep in erratically to undermine academic achievement. This scientific and critical study of the role of personality variables in academic achievement is based on the analysis of 1060 higher secondary students in Uttar Pradesh in terms of the factors of self-concept, level of aspiration and mental health. The recommendations it makes for enhancing academic achievement are addressed to educationists, heads of higher secondary schools, teachers, guidance counsellors and plannersISBN:8170221072

Pages : 151
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