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  Winning Sales Letters,

Winning Sales Letters,

by Booher

  Price : Rs 225.00
  Your Price : Rs 191.25
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  Winning Sales Letters furnishes you with an efficient, fast way to generate those powerful written messages for all the routine and sensitive issues which you face each day: From introducing your business to the community to following up on an appointment. From dealing with a dissatisfied customer to announcing the discontinuation of product line. From welcoming a new sales representative in your organization to encouraging a distributor to increase volume of sales ... and so on.

This book gives you more than three hundred model letters on scores of sales, marketing, and service topics of concern to every business. You can use the models verbatim, you can mix and match phrases, or customize the messages provided to achieve just the right tone for any important communication.

The author includes a generous selection of all the standard letters you will ever need along with examples of letters you may have never considered as part of your marketing strategy. Collectively, the models in this book will save you time, strengthen your marketing position, and increase goodwill among customers and employees alike.ISBN-- 9788120332102

Pages : 352
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