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  Groundwater in Hydrosphere

Groundwater In Hydrosphere

by Nagabhushniah

  Price : Rs 145.00
  Your Price : Rs 145.00
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  The textbook on Groundwater in Hydrosphere has been cast with appropriate sequential chapters such as occurrence of groundwater assessment development utilization conservation and management availing appropriate case studies from the field. Groundwater resources of India and extent of present exploitation is added. An introductory chapter of hydrology has been included which illustrates the extent of surface and groundwater availability in the earths hydrosphere. The surface water storage from the overland runoff through reservoirs rivers and other
depressions having reached the optimum extent and flash floods that could not be controlled-a quantum to an extent of over 20% of the precipitation goes to sea as waste. The recourse left to consume this waste water is through diverting the sea-flowing water into underground reservoir through appropriate recharge techniques. The chapter on recharging groundwater deals with this aspect. ISBN-- 9788123907512

Pages : 387
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