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  Textbook of Soil Mechanics

Textbook Of Soil Mechanics

by Sehgal S.B.

  Price : Rs 395.00
  Your Price : Rs 316.00
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  This volume on Soil Mechanics to the students in Civil Engineering and the field engineers. Soil Mechanics emerged as a separate branch of Civil Engineering only in recent years. Its importance at the University level in India was realized only after 1950 when it was introduced as a full course for the B.Sc. Engineering Degree at most of the Institutions. In the later half of the last decade this subject was introduced for specialization at the ~1.Sc. level in some selected Universities and InstitutionsThe book is written for thc B.Se. Engineering curriculum being followed at the Indian Universities Colleges and higher Technological Institutes. Since it is meant for the first engineering degree the subject-matter has been presented in a concise but precise manner k~piI1g in view the time at the disposal of a student who bas usuallv to follow a heavy schedule. However 110 important detail has been omitted.The subject matter is divided into 16 chapters. Each chapter is followed by a list of relevant references and University questions. ISBN 9788123901237

Pages : 572
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