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  Essential Sharepoint

Essential Sharepoint

by Jeff Webb

  Price : Rs 50.00
  Your Price : Rs 42.50
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  Want to work more efficiently and effectively? Want to improve productivity? Microsoft is betting that you do. That`s why it created Windows SharePoint Services--a set of collaboration tools that helps organizations increase individual and team productivity by enabling them to create web sites for information sharing and document collaboration. Through these team-oriented web sites, users capture and share ideas, and work together on documents, tasks, contacts, etc.--either among themselves or with partners and customers. And if you have Windows 2003 Server, then you already have SharePoint, since it`s built right in. But before you can enjoy the benefits of SharePoint, you need to know how to turn it on, set it up, and get your applications working with it. Essential Sharepoint will help you do just that. It`s not only the most complete guide for setting up and using these increasingly popular sites, but it also explains in detail the integration that makes SharePoint exciting. Everything you need to know about SharePoint is covered, including:ISBN-- 9788173669439

Pages : 338
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