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  Ruby on Rails Web Mashup Projects, 280 Pages

Ruby On Rails Web Mashup Projects, 280 Pages

by Sheong

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 297.50
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  Use Ruby and Ruby on Rails to create seven practical mashup projects following step-by-step instructions. A web mashup is a new type of web application that uses data and services from one or more external sources to build entirely new and different web applications. Web mashups usually mash up data and services that are available on the Internet— freely, commercially, or through other partnership agreements. The external sources that a mashup uses are known as mashup APIs. This book shows you how to write web mashups using Ruby on Rails— the new web application development framework. The book has seven real-world projects and each project is described in a methodical step-by-step way, showing how you can write a web mashup from the ground up. APIs covered in the book This book covers: Google Maps API, Yahoo geocoding services, Geocoder.us geocoding services, Geocoder.ca geocoding services, Hostip.info, Google Spreadsheet, EditGrid, Clickatell, Interfax, Amazon ECS, Sparklines, Facebook, Indeed, DayLife, Technorati, Futef, WebserviceX Currency Convertor, Weatherbug, Google Bases, Geonames, Flickr, Paypal, Google Calendar, Google Account Authentication, Google Data, and Google Spreadsheet Data. ISBN-- 9788184045314

Pages : 284
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