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  Rails For PHP Developers

Rails For Php Developers

by Devries

  Price : Rs 500.00
  Your Price : Rs 425.00
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  As a PHP developer, you have some great tools for developing web applications. Ruby on Rails is another key tool to add to your web development toolbox. Rails is a high-level web development framework that emphasizes high productivity and clean code. However, the Ruby language and Rails framework take a different approach from the way many PHP developers write applications. Ruby lies at the foundation of Rails, and we’ll teach you the Ruby language from the beginning by building on your existing foundation of PHP. We’ll explore Ruby through parallel code examples that illustrate the differences between the languages, and help you understand the Ruby idioms and how they differ from popular PHP code and style. You’ll then learn the Rails framework by iteratively building a complete application, starting from the home page through to a finished product. Along the way, you’ll build your skills as a Rails developer by learning the Rails fundamentals such as MVC structure, domain modeling, and testing. In addition to serving as a guide to learning both Ruby and Rails from a PHP developer’s perspective, this book includes two extensive reference chapters. They map the most common PHP tasks to their equivalents in the Ruby and Rails world, giving you at-a-glance information that you’ll refer to often.

Leverage PHP knowledge to learn Ruby on Rails quickly
Understand key differences between Ruby and PHP
Learn Rails best practices and relate them to PHP
Develop techniques for writing effective Rails code ISBN--- 9788184046328

Pages : 432
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