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  Disaster Recovery and Business Continuit : A Quik Guide For Small Organizations ans Busy  Executives,,

Disaster Recovery And Business Continuit : A Quik Guide For Small Organizations Ans Busy Executives,,

by Thejendra

  Price : Rs 325.00
  Your Price : Rs 276.25
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  Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity is a quick guide to business recovery best practices explained in a practical and easy to implement manner.

This book is designed to be a concise handbook for IT Service Personnel, Business Managers, etc., wishing to know what disaster recovery and business continuity is all about in a realistic manner. The entire book is written in a Q&A format for easy comprehension and speedy reading with no business jargon. The chapters are also short and just to the point. The answers to the various questions are also concise and rarely exceed one page. Real world examples are used wherever necessary.

It is hoped that this book will be used a quick reference by small organizations and busy executives to get a basic overview of DRP and BCP for implementing, or planning to implement, within their IT departments and organizations.

About the Author
Thejendra BS is an IT manager for a software development firm in Bangalore, India. Starting as a computer field engineer in the previous century I have 17+ years experience in a wide range of IT areas and technical project implementations costing several bags of gold. Prior to entering the IT waters, he is also a lecturer in electronics for a short duration in 1989.
He has also worked in Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar and Australia, and have interacted with customers and organizations of all sizes and flavors. He is also a life member of the Bangalore Management Association.

Thejendra BS also an author/writer, and scribble articles on a range of topics. Visit his web cave www.thejendra.com sometime for details of my books and free articles. ISBN-- 9788184043310

Pages : 282
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