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  Using Primavera Project Planner Ver 3.1 Courseware, 250 Pages,

Using Primavera Project Planner Ver 3.1 Courseware, 250 Pages,

by Hamad

  Price : Rs 300.00
  Your Price : Rs 255.00
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  This courseware is for new and novice users of Primavera Project Planner (P3) Ver. 3.1. It covers the beginners and intermediate levels. The courseware demonstrates in a very simple step-by-step procedure the building up of the project in the Planning phase, then the updating, which occurs in the Monitoring phase.

At the completion of this course, the trainee will be able to:

Differentiate between the project different types of the phases
Create a new project
reate Activity Codes dictionary, and link them to activities
Input activity list
Input Relationships
Run Schedule command and understand the results
Input activity calendars
Create Resource/Cost Account dictionaries, and assign resources and costs to activities
Formatting P3, and creating Layouts
Printing Layouts
Creating Targets
Updating projects.


Primavera Project Planner (P3) is a tool for Planners, Project Managers, and any person needs to plan-control a project

This courseware is perfect for new and novice users of P3. It is a very handy tool for teachers in colleges and universities whom they are teaching P3.

This courseware will not teach the reader Project (Construction) Management. It is a pre-requisite to know the science behind PM or CM by at least reading a book, or taking a course.

This courseware can be used as instructor-led courseware, or teachyour-self courseware:
As for the first option, the estimated time would be 3 days, 8 hours a day
As for the second option, the reader can take it up to his/her convenience

There are 18 workshops, which will complete a full (small) project starting from creating the project, up until the updating process. Solving all workshops will lead to:
Simulate a real life project from beginning to end, hence putting the reader in the practical mode
Organize the information in a very logical order
Not overlooking any of the basic and necessary commands and functions in P3

This courseware will cover the basic and intermediate levels of knowledge in P3

This courseware is covering P3 Ver. 3.1

About the Author
Munir M. Hamad joined Al-Manahel Computer Services Center in 1991. He graduated as a civil engineer from College of Engineering & Petroleum in Kuwait University.

He is experienced in full range of Engineering software like AutoCAD, STAAD, Primavera, Architectural Desktop, Rasterex, and BidWorx.

He earned the confidence of Autodesk to be the trainer of Al-Manahel Computer Services Center ATC in Jordan through scoring high marks in Autodesk exam.

At the beginning of year 2002 he also earned from:
A Master Certification in AutoCAD 2000 by scoring 4.66/5.0 average. With this average Munir scored higher than 99% of the people who took the exam at that time. (This exam is endorsed by Autodesk)

And because he always been asked to update his knowledge about AutoCAD, and its new technologies, he was asked to sit for an exam about AutoCAD 2005, which he passes with big success, here is the certificate:

In year 2006 he earned the title AAI (Autodesk Approved Instructor).

He is now in charge of the following courses:

AutoCAD 2007 Level 1
AutoCAD 2007 Level 2
AutoCAD 2007 3D Drawing & Modeling
AutoCAD 2007 Update for AutoCAD 2002/2004 2D Users
AutoCAD 2006 Essentials
AutoCAD 2006 Intermediate
AutoCAD 2006 3DISBN-- 9788184043167

Pages : 250
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