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  Symbols Of Plural Faith : The Popular Art Of Indian Muslims

Symbols Of Plural Faith : The Popular Art Of Indian Muslims

by Yousuf Saeed

  Price : Rs 1000.00
  Your Price : Rs 850.00
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  The book surveys the wide range of mass produced devotional art forms -largely posters available in the contemporary indian Musclim niche market, it explores how islamic iconography has envolved in india with influences from hindu and other folkore, as also local bazaar art and how this impacts a vibrant religious pluralism. Specifically, it deals with the history of these art forms in the age of the printing press, the source of the images and their interpretations, the most common icons/ images depicted and why, the dominance of calligraphy in posters in view of islam`s rejection of picturisation who uses muslim art, and how muslim theologians look upon these art forms, The Book is unique in that it combines illustrations and text in equal measure; it si sreader friendly and will be read by the lay person interested in art forms; simultaneously specialists in the fields of popular cultural, studies will its analytical content invaluable.

Pages : 120
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