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  Poverty Of Gandhian Philosophy

Poverty Of Gandhian Philosophy

by Hmansu Roy

  Price : Rs 400.00
  Your Price : Rs 320.00
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  M.K. Gandhi was a noble spirit. His heart was full of ahimsa. He had discovered the truth in it and he was determined to establish its value in worldly affairs as a redress to all day to day problems. It was a part of his ongoing journey towards eternal truth. He was an experimental scientist. His experiment was with ahimsa as a means to win freedom of India. And then eternal peace, freedom and prosperity in earth. Gandhi did fail. India won freedom as gift over his `dead body` indeed. But he was not disheartened. He remained firm in his faith that his experiment must attain success on time. May be. But question comes up: Why did his experiment with ahimsa to win freedom fail? The answer is: Poverty in his philosophy. The author has made an attempt to expose the poverty of Gandhian philosophy to build up Mahatmaji real image of plenty in poverty of Gandhian PhilosophyISBN:8170229022

Pages : 233
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