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  Environment, Population and Development (Felicitation Volume in Honour of Prof. S.L. Kayastha)

Environment, Population And Development (Felicitation Volume In Honour Of Prof. S.L. Kayastha)

by Prithvish Nag, Chandra Shekhar Kumar, Smita Sengupta

  Price : Rs 600.00
  Your Price : Rs 480.00
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  Environmental and population have been studied from different angles, by different disciplines, and for a variety of reasons. These topics have been analysed separately or even together. A close relationship between the two is not a formidable conclusion. But recently such studies have gained an additional dimension due to greater emphasis on sustainability which in turn is linked with development. Environment population and development has to be studied together keeping in view of the limited resources at local, regional, national or even at global levels. Professor S.L. Kayastha has been studying these aspects with varied emphasis and at various levels. With his approach in mind, this volume has been brought out. The authors took pains to explore how the issues related to environment, population and development have been linked at various spatial levels. This volume should be useful to academicians and researchers working in the field of population environment, development, sustainability, resources and different combination of theses disciplinesISBN:8170228891

Pages : 388
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