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  Vadhula Grhyagamavrttirahasyam of Narayana Mishra

Vadhula Grhyagamavrttirahasyam Of Narayana Mishra

by B.B. Chaubey,

  Price : Rs 550.00
  Your Price : Rs 440.00
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  The Vadulagrhyagamavrttirahasyam of Narayana Mishra is a versified commentary on the Vadulagrhyasutravrtti, which itself is a short commentary on the Vadulagrhyasutra. It deals with the basic rituals performed in religious rites related to Grhya and Smartakarma. The text mainly deals with Samkara, religious activities to be observed by the Brahmacarins, marriage rituals, the duties of the newly-wed couples and several other religious and domestic rituals. The last two chapters deal exclusively with Sraddhakarma and Rajodharma, respectively. It includes an elucidation of Gayatri-mantra according to Acharya Shankara, the significance of Prana and Vyahrtis and the mode of worship of Lord Vishnu and Shiva with Purushasukta.

The significance of Vadulagrhyagamvrttirahasya is in not just what it contains but also in the fact that it refers to many unknown texts, such as Prayogaklrpti, Katha-Aranyaka, Vadhulagam and Vrata Sangraha.

ISBN : 9788190402910

Pages : 472
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