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  Psychology Of Poverty and Disadvantage

Psychology Of Poverty And Disadvantage

by Ajit K. Mohanty, Girishwar Misra

  Price : Rs 1000.00
  Your Price : Rs 800.00
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  Psychology of Poverty and Disadvantage is the most comprehensive and up to date analysis of the topic enriched by scholarly contributions of some of the leading psychologists in India, internationally acclaimed for their pioneering work in the field. The book puts the challenging theme of poverty and disadvantage in India in a refreshingly interdisciplinary perspective, provides an exhaustive review and systematic analysis of research in this area and opens up new avenues for psychological research on poverty and disadvantage by integrating the current knowledge into a theoretical framework. The book deals with conceptual aspects of poverty and disadvantage, their consequences and concomitants, intervention strategies and problems and provides some interesting insights into future trends and research prospects in this area of study. The book is designed as a definite source book for students of poverty and disadvantage in psychology, education, sociology, economics, social work and related disciplines.ISBN:8170228050

Pages : 328
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