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  Encyclopaedia of Eminent Thinkers (Vol. 5: The Political Thought of Vinoba)

Encyclopaedia Of Eminent Thinkers (Vol. 5: The Political Thought Of Vinoba)

by K.S. Bharathi

  Price : Rs 250.00
  Your Price : Rs 200.00
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  There are many Indian thinkers who have contrubuted a great deal to the political thought of the country. In these initial 10 volumes, an effort has been made to bring together keen players and their significant contributions to the political thought of India in an unbiased way. The arughors included in htis series are giants by themselves in the sociopolitical arena of the country. The setprovides an insight and critical evaluation of the political thinkers. A significant attemp has been made in this book to make a comprehensice study of the Political Thought of Vinoba. To understand fully the implications of Vinoba`s ideas is a tremendous task. The author in this book makes an bonest endeavour to present his view in a lucid manner. It studies in detail: Life and Work of Vinoba, On Religion and Politics, On Sarvodaya, On THird Power and On Swaraj Sastra. This book a treasure for all teachers, scholars and students of Political Science, Gandhian Tought, History, Sociology and Social Work; all university, college, legislative, judicial, public and other libraries in India and abroad and for all those interested in the study of Political Science. In nut-shell, shell, this book will be of great importance to all. ISBN:8170226899

Pages : 112
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