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  Regional Analysis of Population Structures: A Study of Uttar Pradesh

Regional Analysis Of Population Structures: A Study Of Uttar Pradesh

by Farasat Ali Siddiqui

  Price : Rs 300.00
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  Structural analysis of population on a regional basis is an important aspect of Population Geography which presents a vast scope for detailed studies and research especially in developing countries. Some of the structural components of population such as age, sex and occupation are recognized to be the attributes of a population which play a vital role in shaping not only the pattern of demographic dynamism but also the trends of economic development, social behaviour and political life in a region. The main task of a population geographer in the study of the structures is to analyse and unfold the actions and interactions between the compositional differentials of the population and the environmental attributes and developmental processes in the region. Keeping this task as the main focus, Dr. Siddiqui, in this book has presented a systematic regional analysis of the three principal structures, namely, age, sex and occupation of the population of U.P.a??the most populous state of India. Basic relevant concepts have been discussed succinctly and the methodology has been identified critically. The second part presents a thorough and detailed analysis of the regional pattern of distribution and trend of variation of the selected structures of the population of Uttar Pradesh. Finally, the major findings have been given in an unbiased and rigorously statistical form. For obtaining correlations, interactions and explanations have been obtained by using forth odd demographic and non demographic variables in factoral and linkage analysis through computer programmes. IIIustrated profusely with 88 maps and diagrams, this book should be of interest to demographers, geographers, economists and to all those involved in developmental studies. ISBN:817022151X

Pages : 298
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