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  Indigenous Resources for Rural Development: Agricutural Mechanisation and Rural Industrialisation

Indigenous Resources For Rural Development: Agricutural Mechanisation And Rural Industrialisation

by Sures Chandra Jain

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 360.00
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  This book is an attempt towards indigenous resource-based economic development in India, with reference to an analysis of economic inequality between urban and rural areas. An attempt is made towards the evolution of a self-reliant, agro-industrial complex comprising agricultural mechanization and rural industrialization. This complex is based on indigenous resources like (a) utilisation of natural resources, (b) mobilization of human resources, and (c) the implementation of land reforms. The book is an analysis of poverty versus polity, as it attempts to define the constraints and imperatives in the task of socio-economic transformation based on evolutionary reformist and revolutionary strategies. Various socio-economic factors and forces analysed in the book are also illustrated with several comprehensive figures, diagrams and flow charts.ISBN:8180691527

Pages : 237
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