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  Land Use Survey in the Tarai Tract : A Study of Eastern U.P.

Land Use Survey In The Tarai Tract : A Study Of Eastern U.P.

by S.C. Sharma

  Price : Rs 275.00
  Your Price : Rs 220.00
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  Today, when we are faced with the crucial problem of relentless pressure of human and cattle population on the limited land resources, attended by widespread poverty, malnutrition and low economic level, it seems imperative to undertake a factual survey of these resources to ascertain the use and misuse of land, its actual and potential resources and their proper utilisation and conservation with more emphasis on "Problem Areas".
The volume aims at mapping, describing and analysing the spatial and temporal aspects of land-use pattern of a "Pioneer Fringe" the Tarai tract of eastern Uttar Pradesh which has remained a forbidden and underdeveloped land for centuries and has been thus a great challenge before the land-use planners. The study deals with the physical and cultural factors affecting land-use pattern and dynamics of land-use, land-use survey of sample villages and the problems and prospects of the land-use in the region. The book should prove of immense value to land-use planers, administrators research scholars and students who wish to keep abreast of the recent trends and future orientation of the land-use pattern in different parts of the country.ISBN:8170223377

Pages : 386
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