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  Cracking The Code Programming for Embedded System

Cracking The Code Programming For Embedded System

by Dreamtech Software Team

  Price : Rs 549.00
  Your Price : Rs 466.65
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  ? Presents a variety of complete embedded applications with design specifications, flow diagrams and source code with line-by-line explanation
? Includes discussion of the challenges of embedded development such as timing, processor clocks and virtual environment development
? The target platforms for embedded software are covered: microcontrollers (16 bit and 32 bit) as well as Digital Signal processors. After discussing the basic architecture of these processors, the specifics of architecture are covered with special reference to 8051, ADSP 2181 and ARM processors.
? An overview of the Operating systems (embedded, real time and moble Operating Systems)will be given with discussion on APIs for development of embedded software. The function calls in C/++ and Java will be illustrated with examples.
? Line by line detailed analysis of the source code behind cutting-edge embedded applications including GPS, security systems, networked information appliances, cellular phones, embedded databases and wireless network devices.
? Applications built on a variety of popular embedded operating systems including NT, LINUX and Java (J2ME)
ISBN : 9788126502967

Pages : 535
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