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  Central Government Budgets in India: An Analysis (Seond Revised and Enlarged Edition)

Central Government Budgets In India: An Analysis (Seond Revised And Enlarged Edition)

by S.P. Ganguly

  Price : Rs 300.00
  Your Price : Rs 240.00
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  Government budgets in a planned economy are instruments of social and economic change in underdeveloped countries. They reflect the thrust areas of such change. Budgetary and financial data capture the dynamics of change taking place in the country during the past few decades. Analysis of Central Government budgetary data falls in the realm of public finance. The macro-economic categories like revenue, expenditure, savings, etc. present an economic picture of the country through their interrelationships.This book analyses the growth in these macro-economic categories and their direction in the last few decades in India and presents them in a lucid way intelligible to the general public. The book, to a great extent, removes what is mystifying about government budgets, guides the reader through the maze of figures to arrive at the conclusions. At the present juncture the book assumes great importance to economists, policy-makers and legistators in identifying the problems leading to fiscal imbalance. ISBN:8170228247

Pages : 204
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