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  Socio Economic Transformation Of Castes in Uttar Pradesh : A Geographical Analysis

Socio Economic Transformation Of Castes In Uttar Pradesh : A Geographical Analysis

by Noor Mohammad

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 280.00
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  Scheduled castes constitute about one-sixth of the total population of India with a lot of spatio-temporal variations ranging from almost negligible to as high as 29 per cent of the total population of the state. Prior to independence and even sometimes later, they had been the poorest of the poor and socially and economically most backward castes of the country. But after independence they are going under social and economic change both in rural and urban areas. Their attitude towards society and social values and norms has undergone a change. They are gradually not only accepting but have also started practising certain measures of family planning. They are becoming more conscious about the education and job of their children. Their attitude towards religion, child marriage, superstitions is changing. Economic transformation is also not lagging behind. By and large, they are no longer bonded or permanent labourers. They are now gradually becoming marginal farmers and have started working in non-agricultural sectors too. This book, therefore, critically analyses the socio-economic transformation of scheduled castes with focus on major social parameters such as education, marriage, religion, social mobility, family planning programmes, family size, superstitions and political awareness and involvements; and economic parameters like income level, standard of living, housing condition, mode of transport, and exposure to mass media. It also examines inter and intra variations in socio-economic transformation of scheduled and non-scheduled castes and rural and urban population, and suggests viable short and long term practical measures for their socio-economic upliftment. This book will be of immense value not only to the academicians and researchers but also to policy makers and administrators.ISBN:8180692507

Pages : 188
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