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  Women Education Through The Ages

Women Education Through The Ages

by N.L. Gupta

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 280.00
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  The present book, with eleven chapters and three appendices, aims at presenting an overall picture of women`s education through various phases of Indian history, i.e., Vedic period, Post-Vedic period, Jain Buddhist system, Muslim rule, British rule and in the post-Independence era. Various factors and phenomena responsible for bolting or opening the doors of education for women have been critically analysed. Independent chapters on Empowerment of Women and efforts made and being made by the state and Central Governments and various NGOs have been adequately highlighted befitting to the book. Unlike other books on the subject, it will not only contribute to the awakening and awareness of the women folk; but also make them realize-what they had been, what are, and what they can become by virtue of their own vitals and inherent power (Shakti). Moreover, the erudition and lucid style of the profile author have made the book readable for one and all, who are interested in the subject of women and their education, which is supposed to be one of the major concerns of the society in the 21st century.ISBN:8170228263

Pages : 248
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