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  Natioal Information System Education : A  Comparative Study

Natioal Information System Education : A Comparative Study

by S.L. Verma

  Price : Rs 650.00
  Your Price : Rs 520.00
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  Before making out a case for a national information system in education in India, the publication gives a broad over view of educational as well as information systems of U.K. and U.S.A. as also of the prevailing situation in India by way of necessary background and to their salient features indicating both the similarities and dis-similarities of these systems. Since the focus of the book is on information system, it makes a detailed examination of the national library, public and academic libraries, the library co-operation and the networking, the existing library and education information networks. It also explains the concept, the design and functions of an information system to evolve a suitable model of National Information System for Education. In the light of the findings of the study, Dr. Verma makes a detailed analysis of the purposed models objectives, planning and coordination governance, financial aspect, and emphasises its suitability in the Indian Context.
It will certainly prove a boon to the educational planners administrators and researchersISBN:817022571X

Pages : 384
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