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  Spotters in Pediatrics 01 Edition

Spotters In Pediatrics 01 Edition

by Anoop Verma

  Price : Rs 2095.00
  Your Price : Rs 1676.00
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  High quality clinical photographs which would prove to be a useful readymade armamentarium in the hands of pediatricians and physicians. Contains very useful chapters of infectious diseases, neonatology, genetic and metabolic disorders, nephrology, rare syndromes and dermatological conditions in children. Definitely proves to be a guiding source of knowledge for the busy practicing pediatrician and will serve as ready reckoner. CHAPTER 1: Infectious Diseases; CHAPTER 2: Dermatology; CHAPTER 3: Neonatology; CHAPTER 4: Endocrinology; CHAPTER 5: Pediatric Surgery; CHAPTER 6: Bone Disorders; CHAPTER 7: Neurology; CHAPTER 8: Genetic; CHAPTER 9: Miscellaneous Conditions. ISBN 9788184482492

Pages : 268
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