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  Marine control Technology

Marine Control Technology

by Majumder

  Price : Rs 400.00
  Your Price : Rs 340.00
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  The shipping industry has been growing in leaps and bounds over the past few decades. The answer to reduced manning, together with demanding operating schedules, has more often than not been automation. Hence the need of the hour for a seafarer is adequate knowledge of UMS environments and their supporting systems onboard ships. With almost 30 years of first-hand experience by each of us in this mammoth industry, we have seen the evolution from control elements and systems of the post 2nd world-war era to the most sophisticated components and networks available today. It has indeed been a wonderful journey through time! These experiences have been our guiding light; they have prompted us to share our acquired knowledge with our counterparts and students of the maritime industry. However, this is only the first step in contributing to overcoming obsolescence and enhancing the knowledge levels of our fellow seafarers; www.MarineControlTechnology.com - a free webitse, is also being launched shortly. This will hopefully keep our readers and the rest of the world informed of the latest technological advances in the maritime industry. Relevant extracts from current SOLAS Regulations and other similar guidelines, have been included with permission. However, these must be used only for academic purposes. Relevant and current documents onboard ships must be referred to, for the purpose of complying with Classification Societies’ and other Statutory Requirements. Before we delve into the main topics of this book, we would like to share this beautiful quote with our readers: ISBN : 9788184043136

Pages : 336
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