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  Nuclear Power and the Spread of Nuclear Weapons: Can We Have One  without the Other

Nuclear Power And The Spread Of Nuclear Weapons: Can We Have One Without The Other

by Paul Leventhal, Sharon Tanzer And Steven Dolley

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 542.10
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  " A fitting and timely contribution...to the debate on nuclear proliferation...At a time when worries about energy security and nuclear terrorism are on center stage, this book provides a helpful look back and a thorufhtful examination of what`s shead." ------ The Honorable JOHN GLENN, former U.S. Senator. " A scrupulously balancd and fair collection of essays by world-class experts. In a world threatened by both terrorism and global warming, this book will deepen the understanding of policymakers and serious students alike on the tough choices ahead." --- BILL RICHARDSON, former U.S. secretary of energy, U.S. representative to the united Nations, and member of Congress. "This book presents a wide range of expert views and is the Nuclear Control Institute`s latest contribution toward improving sageguards for our nuclear facilities and preventing the spread of nuclear weapons. It sholuld be read by those who desire to evaluste nuclear power`s prolifration risks and energy benefits." --- SEN. CARL LEVIN, chairman, Committee on Armed Services. ISBN : 8170492645

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