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  Pakistan: Return from Gallows(In Hindi)

Pakistan: Return From Gallows(In Hindi)

by Roop Lal,(Former Intelligence Agent In Pakistan)

  Price : Rs 195.00
  Your Price : Rs 152.10
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  What a person can do for his country, is almost impossible to know, An emotional attachment with his country, is like a sea which cannot be measured. No country can survive can without her brave soldiers. The book is the story of this kind of person who lived with great difficulties in pakistan prison. You can say he lived and died everyday. The author of this book was an intelligence agent in pakistan who successfully unmasked the malafied intentions of Pakistan but unfortunately he was caught there after sometime and remained in jail for 26 years. There is a limit of torture and inhumanity elsewhere but in pakistan`s prisons there was endless touture and ihumanity. The author was sentenced death penalty three times but every time he escaped. this book exposes those secres which were neither ever read nor even heard. ISBN : 8170492211

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