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  Processes And Materials Of Manufacture, 4th Ed.

Processes And Materials Of Manufacture, 4Th Ed.

by Lindberg

  Price : Rs 450.00
  Your Price : Rs 382.50
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  The objective of this book is to provide engineering and management personnel with a background knowledge of processes and materials of manufacture as used in modern industry. The fact that computers now permeate the entire gamut of manufacturing has made it mandatory that this topic be integrated into an early discussion of all manufacturing processes. As examples, the lathe and milling machine are introduced in the traditional manner, but then the text emphasizes the lathe as a turning center and the milling machine as a machine center. To understand how these and other machines are using computer control, terminology such as NC, CNC and DNC are introduced. This terminology is then used throughout the book.The automatic factory and flexible manufacturing systems are discussed thoroughly. Basic subjects such as tool geometry, tool life, cutting forces and metal forming theory have not been neglected. The text presumes no previous manufacturing knowledge, however, a course in materials would be helpful.ISBN 9788120306639

Pages : 880
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