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  Complex Variables - Theory And Applications, 2nd Edi.

Complex Variables - Theory And Applications, 2Nd Edi.

by Kasana

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 590.75
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  The second edition of this comprehensive and accessible text continues to offer students a challenging and enjoyable study of complex variables that is infused with perfect balanced coverage of mathematical theory and applied topics.
The author explains fundamental concepts and techniques with precision and introduces the students to complex variable theory through conceptual develop-ment of analysis that enables them to develop a thorough understanding of the topics discussed. Geometric interpretation of the results, wherever necessary, has been inducted for making the analysis more accessible. The level of the text assumes that the reader is acquainted with elementary real analysis.
Beginning with the revision of the algebra of complex variables, the book moves on to deal with analytic functions, elementary functions, complex integration, sequences, series and infinite products, series expansions, singularities and residues. The application-oriented chapters on sums and integrals, conformal mappings, Laplace transform, and some special topics, provide a practical-use perspective. Enriched with many numerical examples and exercises designed to test the student`s comprehension of the topics covered, this book is written for a one-semester course in complex variables for students in the science and engineering disciplines.ISBN 9788120326415

Pages : 504
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