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  Structured Computer Organization, 5th Ed.

Structured Computer Organization, 5Th Ed.

by Tanenbaum, Andrew S.

  Price : Rs 425.00
  Your Price : Rs 361.25
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  Intended as a text for undergraduate and postgraduate students offering courses in Computer Organization and Architecture, this well-established book from a highly acclaimed author on Computer Science continues to cover the fundamental concepts expounded in the earlier editions. These concepts are based on the principle that a computer can be regarded as a hierarchy of levels-the digital logic level, the microarchitecture level, the instruction set architecture level, the operating system machine level, and the assembly language level-each one performing some well-defined functions.

What distinguishes this Fifth Edition, however, is that, while building on the strength of the previous edition, it presents the most recent trends, tools, and techniques, including PCI express, modern multicomputer systems, and network processors that reflect the changes which have taken place during the intervening period.

The text also covers today`s most popular I/O devices, including digital cameras, DSL, and Internet over cable, and the current example machines such as Pentium 4, UltraSPARC III, and 8051 (used in embedded systems).

A large number of diagrams, problems at the end of each chapter, tables, and a comprehensive Bibliography enhance the value of the text which will be treasured by students for its utility, worth, and contemporary approach.


Gives most current and uptodate information.
A chapter is exclusively devoted to Parallel Computers, which gives detailed description on different types of parallel systems with the help of numerous examples.
Appendix C provides hands-on-guide to Assembly Language Programming.
CD-ROM provides the 80888 tracer software for MS Windows, UNIX and Linux, along with a graphical simulator for the Mic-1 architecture.
ISBN 9788120329133

Pages : 800
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