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  Elements Of Chemical Reaction Engineering, 4th Ed.(With CD)

Elements Of Chemical Reaction Engineering, 4Th Ed.(With Cd)

by Fogler

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 590.75
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  This worldwide best-selling text, now in its fourth edition, is suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses in chemical engineering and its allied disciplines such as biochemical engineering and biotechnology. It provides thorough coverage of the fundamentals of chemical reaction engineering in a framework that allows students to develop practical problem-solving skills. Woven around the six pillars of chemical reaction engineering such as mole balances, rate laws, stoichiometry, energy balances, diffusion and contracting, the book builds a strong understanding of the underlying principles and illustrates how they can be applied to numerous reactions in a variety of applications. With a combination of user-friendly software and algorithms, it helps students learn how to solve problems through reasoning, rather than by memorizing equations. Significant effort has been devoted to developing examples and problems that foster students’ critical and creative thinking. Three styles of problems—straightforward, explorative, and open-ended—have been included to enhance the transfer of skills to real-life settings.

H. Scott Fogler has updated his classic text to provide even more coverage of bioreactions, industrial chemistry with real reactors and reactions, and a broader range of applications, along with the newest digital techniques such as COMSOL Multiphysics. The book also contains wide-ranging examples—from smog to blood clotting, ethylene oxide production to tissue engineering, antifreeze to cobra bites, and computer chip manufacturing to chemical plant safety.


The companion CD-ROMs offer numerous learning resources such as summary notes, interactive computer modules, web modules, solved problems, problem-solving heuristics, POLYMATH software to explore “living example problems” and ask “what-if” questions, and many more enrichment opportunities for both students and teachers.ISBN 9788120334168

Pages : 1080
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