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  Embryo Transfer

Embryo Transfer

by Allahabadia

  Price : Rs 8995.00
  Your Price : Rs 7196.00
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  This publication is a compilation about the crucial science of embryo transfer (ET) in the assisted reproductive technology procedure and practice. It emphasises the fact that the success of embryo transfer technique and procedure depends on embryo quality and endometrical receptivity. This book explains about the latest thought on embryo transfer under USG guidance and undercritical situations, maneuvers such as ET with a full bladder and speculum maneuvering in order to bring the cervicouterine angulation in a straight line. Under desperate circumstances, transmyo-material ET is suggested irrespective of the results of such techniques. Also hysteroscopic tubal ET, endoscopic interaendometrial ET and techniques of syringeless ET have been discussed. A useful reference book for all those who are persuing the profession of assisted reproductive technology procedure anf techniques and especially clinicians who comfront problems in the day-to-day practice of embryo replacement. Section 1: Introduction; Section 2: The Embryo; Section 3: The Human Factor; Section 4: Trial Embryo Transfer Remote from the IVF Cycle; Section 5: Catheter Loading, Introduction and Deposit of Embryos; Section 6: Mucus, Blood, Retention of Embryos; Section 7: Ultrasound-Guided Embryo Tranfer; Section 8: Location of the Embryos; Section 9: Dynamics of the Uterus Associated with Embryo Transfer - The Junctional Zone; Section 10: Difficult Embryo Tranfer; Section 11: Techniques of Embryo Transfer; Section 12: Life After Embryo Transfer; Section 13: Epilogue. ISBN 9788184480924

Pages : 558
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