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  The Golden Book of Rigveda

The Golden Book Of Rigveda

by R.T.H. Griffith

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 569.90
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  The Golden Books series of India religions is specially planned and designed for the general educated reader in India and abroad, who in the 21st century of the Third Millennium, wants to know about them to contribute his lot to the fast growing globalisation of world cultures. It includes Vedic, Upanishadic, Buddhistic and Jain religions, the mainstay of Indian culture, which have made their mark in various ways in Asia and the West since olden times. In terror-stricken modern times also, they are trying to play their role in setting things right and devising a new, eclectic way of life.

Indian religions have lots of philosophy and hundreds of scriptures with commentaries and commentaries on commentaries, which present a highly complicated picture especially in comparison to one-book religion-cultures. The Golden Books select the most important and the best of them, translated into simple, easy and understandable English, by learned scholars and present them in capsule form for wider use and benefit.

The book on Rigveda is a sampler of all the deities, like Agni, Indra, Soma, Varuna, etc., with originals in Sanskrit and translations into English, which provide an interesting yet comprehensive picture of the which formed the nucleus of the future culture of India, which, with the passage of time, assimilated many other religio-philosophical currents, as well as races of all hues and colours, to acquire its present holistic, tolerant to every human being form and structure we are living today. ISBN-8183820107

Pages : 228
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