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  Ageing in India : Socio-Economic and Health Dimenensions

Ageing In India : Socio-Economic And Health Dimenensions

by Moneer Alam

  Price : Rs 695.00
  Your Price : Rs 625.50
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  While this study essentially draws upon Indian conditions and data for analysing ageing and a few of its more critical dimensions involving socio-economic, health and public policy aspects, it may well be argued that each of these dimensions remains equally, if not more, important for many of the developing countries with transitioning demography (declining fertility and life prolongation) and liberalising economy (growing privatisation and pro-market reforms) rendering several non-market institutions void. From a thorough empirical review of the Indian situation using both the primary and secondary data sources, it has been observed that a bulk of the aged may not be able to withstand the unfolding economic realities either in India or elsewhere: they are socially at a loss because of their poor past, economically weak because of serious poverty issues, physically frail and suffer from functional dependence. They are also losing because of erosion in traditional familial values. Further, the non-elderly adults are yet to realise the need for planned ageing. The study tries to build the argument that many of these issues have not been fully understood while framing public responses to ageing. The upcoming concepts underlying `elderly involvements in development` or `healthy and active ageing` may not therefore hold true for many. The worst affected are the elderly women.

"This book presents new empirical research on ageing in India, and maps out policy options for the welfare of the ageing population in the country. Two aspects of this research deserve special attention, especially by those in the field of geriatrics. One is the question of functional health. Until recently, we have been concentrating in bulk of our researches on nature and origin of various diseases, potential sufferers and their socio-physiological traits. Prof. Alam has however tried in his research to extend our concern by linking the diseases with the onset of functional disablement and need for long-term care. Another aspect that this research deserves serious attention is the discussion on public health and its growing role in containing the risks of post-fifties diseases. These are apart from an in-depth analysis by the author on socio-economic diversities and their health outcomes. I very much expect that the researchers in the field of socio-medical gerontology will find this study as an important reference for future research."

—A.B. Dey

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