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  HOSPITALS : Facilities, Planning and Management

Hospitals : Facilities, Planning And Management

by Kunders, G. D

  Price : Rs 1075.00
  Your Price : Rs 967.50
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  Rapid scientific, technological and medical advances in recent years have completely transformed the health care sector. Hospitals have become a dynamic industry. Professionals who are responsible for planning and designing hospitals and those who subsequently manage, maintain and operate them efficiently find the task of managing change quite challenging. This book is a complete resource for those who are keen to understand the basics as well as the complexities of managing a hospital well. It has lots of ideas for the architect, who conceives of a viable plan for the hospital. It addresses the various issues which must be kept in mind and consultants, planners and administrators who subsequently run the hospital. The book has been authored by an acknowledged hospital administrator, G. D. Kunders, who has several years of experience and insight in this field. Profusely illustrated with drawings and pictures, it goes into sufficient amount of depth and is a repository of ideas for those who want to excel in the art of managing hospitals. Among the more interesting chapters are: Planning and Designing a Hospital: The Correct Way Planning and Designing Medical and Ancillary Services Planning and Designing Nursing Services Supportive Services Facilities Planning for Managing SARS Topics of interest include: CATH Lab Hospital Information System Telemedicine The CD contains: Hospital Information Systems Model: A Siemen’s Product Demo Profiles and Plans of two hospitals Picture of some advanced, state-of-the-art medical/hospital equipment and some functional areas/departments of a hospital.

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