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  The Great Disclosures: Secrets Unmasked

The Great Disclosures: Secrets Unmasked

by Hilal Ahmad War

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 464.10
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  This book unfolds the fact that the death of ohammad Ali Jinnah and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, were actually secret cases of murder by poisoning. It unmasks the real culprits behind the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi. It exposes the agencies behind the assassination of the first Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan, as well as the murder of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, under the judicial verdict, based on concocted charges. This book also exposes the politicians behind the assassination of Murtaza Ali Bhutto. Providing a genesis of the ‘Kashmir Problem’, the book unveils its real nature. it reveals that the ‘Kashmir Problems’ was created by ‘various forces’, for plunging South-Asia into a perpetual cold-cum-hot war Zone, so that, the region would never achieve political and economic stability. “It narrates how American CIA, is the creator and abettor of global terrorism, for its own ends”. America has not only betrayed the people of Jammu and Kashmir, but is also sponsoring most of the International Terrorists’ Organisations. This book also exposes the role of Mutti Mohammad Sayeed, the then Home Minister of India (now Chief Minister of Jammu and Kashmir), in facilitating the murder of Rajiv Gandhi, the ex-Prime Minister of India, and also, how he stage-managed the kidnapping drama, of his daughter, Rubiya Sayeed, by JKLF militants. It discloses how, Yaseen Malik, the JKLF Chief, hatched a conspiracy with Multi Mohammad Sayeed, to enact a ‘mock drama’ of Rubiy’s kidnapping. Also narrated in the book is, how a secret plan was made, to kill Dr. Farooq Abdullah, former Chief Minister of J&K State. Interesting insights are also offered about the background of the Kargil War, as the book exposes its conspirators. The book also unmasks the facts about other shocking events, such as the suicidal attack on the Indian Parliament, the 9/11 attacks in USA on the World Trade Centre, New York, and in Pentagon, Washington. The book unmasks the role of CIA and America, in hatching a conspiracy, to disturb peace in the world, for their own secret benefits. It also narrates how China secretly helped General Parvez Musharraf to oust Nawaz Sharief, by staging a counter-coup, in order to contain USA and India. There is also mention of the ‘real creators’ of the Partition of India. In the end, the book presents a ‘Road Map’, for resolving the ‘Kashmir dispute’, to bring an ‘era of peace and stability,’ in South Asia, and to prevent it from unwarranted Nuclear Conflicts. It also reveals the intentions of India and the Anglo-American blocks, about the resolution of the Kashmir problem, under the garb of the recent Indo-Pak CBMs. There are many other shocking disclosures, that hardly and one knows, which would attract the interest and attention of the world.

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