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  Encyclopaedia of INDIAN TRIBES AND CASTES ( Set of 23 Volumes )

Encyclopaedia Of Indian Tribes And Castes ( Set Of 23 Volumes )

by Ed. S.M.Channa

  Price : Rs 75000.00
  Your Price : Rs 63750.00
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  Careful compilatian of an enormous amount of data has produced ,a collection of about 11,000 tribes and castes, organized in an alphabetical order, in a convenient and otherwise unavailable format.
The entries, varying in length and scape of coverage, do not omit any tribal identity howsoever obscure or difficult in finding informatian on. The result, therefore, provides extraordinary opportunities to the readers for socio-anthropological or administrative research or fOr the purpose of reference.
The effort that has gone into creating this work is towards building up a comprehensive and reliable data base that would be useful in many different ways. To the critical scholar it should provide raw material that can be reanalyzed and reinterpreted, to the researcher it may provide a clue to identifying a patential `field` or study and to the administrators it would provide a wealth of base line informatian.
the ENCYCLOPAEDIA OF INDIAN TRIBES AND CASTES is intended, above all, to be `a methodical compendium of social knowledge`.

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