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by Shastrarth Maharathi Shri Pt. Madhwacharya Shastri Ji

  Price : Rs 595.00
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  This is a unique ritual book about the hinduism and the principles of Sanatan Dharma in a scientific manner which clears all aspects of hindu religion and Sanatan Dharma also. This is a key book for every hindu and recomended and praised by all the dharmacharya and intellectuals of hindu religion. This book was first published in 1954 and from them 14 editions has been published in a successfull manner. The author shastrarth maharathi shri pt. Madhwacharya Shastri ji was also a world fame preacher of Sanatan Dharma since 1920 to 1980 and remembered with great respect by hindu mass. Maharajji visited every part of India for preaching and also visited Africa, England, and other countries also. He fought so many shashtrarth and won all of these that is why remembered as Shashtrarth Maharathi. He wrote so many books and all are unique and uno itself. The preface of Kyon written by swami karpatri ji maharaj who was also phanomenon of the Hindu Samaj.

Pages : 580
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