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  Double-Digit Growth: How Great Companies Achieve It—No Matter What

Double-Digit Growth: How Great Companies Achieve It—No Matter What

by Michael Treacy

  Price : Rs 350.00
  Your Price : Rs 273.00
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  Growth is the oxygen of business. Growing companies thrive; shrinking companies die. Yet, in a difficult economy, managers everywhere know that growth is impossible. The best you can hope for is to hold your ground. Right?

Not according to Michael Treacy, who warns that many corporations have simply lost the discipline to grow. In Double-Digit Growth, he proves that steady double-digit growth is not a dream, but a plausible scenario. Treacy has studied the companies that grow year in, year out—and he knows what works. He draws on case studies from the likes of Dell, Paychex, and First Data to reveal the formula—growth initiatives built on five separate, clear, and achievable strategies—to grow by 10 percent or more, year after year, in good times and bad, without cheating.

Pages : 240
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