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  A Short Punjabi Grammar

A Short Punjabi Grammar

by Major Henry Court

  Price : Rs 60.00
  Your Price : Rs 60.00
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  The British and Western scholars have rendered great service to the land of Punjab , as their works still have great bearing on the language, culture and history of the Punjab, though these works were produced when the British were ruling the province after its annexation in 1849. The British had great interest in the Sikhs-their culture and history-as they found them good fighting material for their armed forces. They found them loyal and dependable as was proved in the Mutiny of 1857 when the Sikhs fought on the side of the British. They were thus very much interested in Punjabi language too for effective communication with their Sikhs recruited in the armed forces. The present volume published in the late nineteenth century was pioneering work on the subject and it helped both the British and Indians to learn Punjabi effectively. Beside giving rules of Punjabi grammar, the volume has exhaustive glossary of technical terms and words, both Punjabi to English and English to Punjabi in Roman character. ISBN 8171163173

Pages : 82
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