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  The Federal Experience: Indian and Russia

The Federal Experience: Indian And Russia

by Ramashray Roy

  Price : Rs 650.00
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  The Federal Experience: India and Russia is the outcome of joint venture of Indian and Russian scholars who joined together to have a fresh look at the experience of federalism in India and post-Soviet Russia.This fresh look has yielded and intellectually exciting and pragramatically salubrious result. The central themes of the book are defined by two important facets of federalism, i.e., federalism as a political arrangement and federalism as a source which releases certain political forces that affect its functioning.

Scholars participating in this venture were convinced that the character of federalism can not be explained in purely political terms. It is necessary therefore to cast the net wider in order to apprehend the true character of federalism. Political forces themselves are the product of socio-cultural composition of the population, economic structure and the constitutional expressions of intentio- populi. Different papers reflect this perspective and explore a character federalism in the context of inter-action of these large factors and trace the variegated impact of this inter-action on functioning of federalism. It is this intellectual perspective that lands this book a distinctive quality.
ISBN 9788175411296

Pages : 211
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