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  India and Australasia: History, Culture and Society

India And Australasia: History, Culture And Society

by N.N. Vohra

  Price : Rs 1295.00
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  Despite its colonial connotations the word `Australasia` aptly describes the region of Australia, New Zealand and the twenty-two island states of the South Pacific. Although, in the past, this region may have been viewed as remote and distant, geographically as well as strategically, it is now rightly considered to be an important part of the Asia-Pacific region. Traditionally, Australasia has not been a focal point of India`s foreign policy, the past interactions having been mainly restricted to Fiji, because of the Indian diaspora, and to Australia and New Zealand. However, in the fast changing global environment, India is on the threshold of playing a constructive role in the economic development of the South Pacific countries, and in building vibrant linkages, especially with the South Pacific societies.
In this volume scholars from India and Australasia discuss, through case studies, the management of policies relating to immigration and multiculturalism; sources of social cleavages and conflicts, and so on. The issues discussed are particularly relevant in the context of multi-racial Australasia, where the consequences of social conflict are adding to the burden of the already economically poor `micro states`, whose societies have traditionally been divisive rather than homogeneous.ISBN 9788175411685

Pages : 424
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