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  US National Security: Struggle for Supremacy in Policymaking: 1969-1989

Us National Security: Struggle For Supremacy In Policymaking: 1969-1989

by P.M. Kamath

  Price : Rs 750.00
  Your Price : Rs 750.00
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  Ever since John. F. Kennedy became President in 1961 there has been a phenomenal growth of tensions between President`s Secretary of State and his National Security Adviser. Secretaries of State have come to rely on their constitutional and institutional status to claim their primacy, while National Security Advisers have been driven by their tremendous influence drawn from being President`s additional eyes, ears and brain in making of national security policy. Their proximity to President and expertise in national security has been their additional assets.

This book reveals that under the presidencies of Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan tensions turned into a struggle for supremacy in policy making. The author discusses in-depth causes for the struggle and suggests certain remedial steps. He draws heavily from his personal interviews with the policy makers of the time.

This work would be interest to those who shape Indian foreign policy, and to all those interested in American security policy.ISBN 9788175411302

Pages : 232
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