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  Tiny Hands in Unorganised Sector: Towards Elimination of Child Labour

Tiny Hands In Unorganised Sector: Towards Elimination Of Child Labour

by S.N. Mishra, Sweta Mishra

  Price : Rs 600.00
  Your Price : Rs 600.00
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  The use of concept exploitation for defining child labour creates practical problem because exploitation as a concept be given a precise objective meaning. It depends upon the interpretation of the investigator and for him the extreme limits of work done by a child may be called exploitation. As a matter of fact, children who should be in schools are engaged in work either as a child labourer or may be called street children. In short, child labour may be defined as when the business of wage earning or of participation in self or family support conflicts directly or indirectly with the business of growth and education, the result is child labour.

In spite of tall talks about the eradication of child labour, the fact is that the tiny hands contribute major portion of production in unorganized sector. Due to the circumstances they are under fed, addict of intoxicants and far from parental care. The present study also empirically examines in some searching questions. The book suggests some legislative and practical measures to eradicate the child labour.

The book may be useful for sociologists, policy planners, NGOs, social workers and other organizations working towards the eradication of child labour.
ISBN 9788175411746

Pages : 192
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