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  India, Iran and the GCC States: Political Strategy & Foriegn Policy

India, Iran And The Gcc States: Political Strategy & Foriegn Policy

by Dr. A.K.Pasha

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 386.10
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  Strategically located with a long coast on the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, Iran`s relationship with the Arabs, can be characterised as one of conflict and co-operation. Iran`s northern neighbourhood i.e. Central Asian region put her in conflicted relationship with Russia and the USA including the membership in the Baghdad Pact/CENTO. After the 1971 Indo Pak war , US support to the Shah encouraged Iran to play an active part in the Gulf/Indian Ocean area. Pakistan`s division and Indian predominance in South Asia persuades the Shah to reassess the signifecence of Iran`s ties with India. But the 1979 Iranian revolution influenced by religion and the Iran-Iraq war in the Eighties revived fears among its neighbours and others. The book discusses Iran`s turbulrnt relations with Saudi Arabia and the GCC states and also looks at the strategic ties the Islamic Republic of Iran established with Syria, Hezbollah and other groups in Lebanon and its stand towards the Arab-Israeli peace process. It also examines Indo-Iranian ties focusing on Iran`s stand towards the Kashmir issue, relations with Kuwait and its position on the `No Fly Zones` in Iraq. The book provides a unique combination of historical background, political strategy and foriegn policy developments and will be useful not only to scholars and the institutes but especially to Arab, Iranian and Indian students of History, Political Science and International Relations.

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