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  Electromagnetism : Theory and Applications, 2nd edi..,

Electromagnetism : Theory And Applications, 2Nd Edi..,

by Paramanik

  Price : Rs 495.00
  Your Price : Rs 420.75
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  The second edition of Electromagnetism: Theory and Applications has been updated to cover some additional aspects of theory and nearly all modern applications. The semi-historical approach is unchanged, but further historical comments have been introduced at various places in the book to give a better insight into the development of the subject as well as to make the study more interesting and palatable to the students.

What is New to This Edition

Vector transformations in different coordinate systems have been included in the chapter on Vector Analysis. The treatment forms the basis of vector potentials for three-dimensional problems.

Chapter 13 on Vector Potentials has been significantly expanded for a clear understanding of the properties of vector potentials, in order to also solve three-dimensional EM problems numerically.

A section dealing with the derivation and interpretation of Hertz Vector has been included in Chapter 13.

A practical problem on induction heating of flat metal plates has been added to the chapter on Magnetic Diffusion.

The topics of wave guidance and radiation have been expanded with emphasis on practical aspects.

Sections on analysis of cylindrical dielectric waveguide (e.g. of optical fibres) have been added to Chapters 18 and 22.

New sections on basis and explanations of modal transmissions have been added.

Characteristics and practical details of basic antenna structures and arrays have been treated in greater detail.

Provides comprehensive treatment of FEM (Finite Element Method), covering both its variational basis and procedural details, to enable the readers to use this method without going into the heavy mathematics underlying the method.

Describes FDM (Finite Difference Method) in more detail with its convergence requirement.

Introduces modern numerical methods like FDTD (Finite Difference Time Domain) and method of moments (MOM).

A new chapter on Modern Topics and Applications covers both high frequency and low frequency applications.

Appendices contain in-depth analysis of self-inductance and non-conservative fields (Appendix 6), proof regarding the boundary conditions (Appendix 8), theory of bicylindrical coordinate system to provide the physical basis of the circuit approach to the cylindrical transmission line systems (Appendix 10), and properties of useful functions like Bessel and Legendre functions (Appendix 9).

The book is designed to serve as a core text for students of electrical engineering. Besides, it will be useful to postgraduate physics students as well as research engineers and design and development engineers in industries.ISBN

Pages : 1020
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