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  Cyclic Universe Cycle of the Creation, Evolution, Involution and Dissolution of the Universe

Cyclic Universe Cycle Of The Creation, Evolution, Involution And Dissolution Of The Universe

by Nrusingh Charan Panda,

  Price : Rs 3500.00
  Your Price : Rs 2800.00
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  Has the universe a beginning? Was it created? Who, then, is its creator? Or, alternately, is the universe uncreated? Is it beginningless and endless, with, of course, continual changes? Synthesizing the cumulative knowledge of science, philosophy, and relegion: Eastern and Western, including Vedic/Vedantic metaphysics, Professor Panda`s Cyclic Universe looks afresh at these mind boggling questions -- which, ever since the dawn of human civilization, have evaded a convincing answer.

In coming to grips with the issues around the evolution of the universe: the grand cosmos, the author examines not only the whole range of creation theories: both religious and philosophical, but also the Big Bang, its rival theories and modified versions, together with all the recent advances in anthropology, astrophysics, cosmoslogy, Darwinism, molecular, biology, genetics, embryology, morphogenesis, neurobiology, and even computer science. Concludingly showing that the universe has been created, it has a creator, and the presently expanding universe will contract by a reverse process to be finally dissolved in the power of Brahman, Professor Panda`s insightful analyses corroborate the Vedantic worldview of the cyclic phenomenon of the origin, sustenance and dissolution of the Universe.

Offering an original, well-integrated thesis on the baffling cosmic evolution, the book is bound to fascinate scholars and discerning readers alike.

ISBN : 9788124601907

Pages : 936
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