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  Diabetic Foot: A Clinical Atlas, 2003

Diabetic Foot: A Clinical Atlas, 2003

by Pendsey

  Price : Rs 9250.00
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  This clinical atlas of the diabetic foot is a comprehensive volume which includes over 600 coloured illustrations and over 50 case studies. This most dreaded and agonizing disease which is regarded with hopelessness has been dealt with great care to provide to the healthcare professionals expert knoeledge to prevent amputation of the foot. The text emphasizes the need for preventive foot care and footwear, regular inspection and examination particularly in consultation with family members of the patient for management of the diabetic foot as it is the most dreaded disability. This clinical atlas describes all aspects to the disease with illustrations and case reports depicting the varied diabetic foot problems.SECTION ONE: UNDERSTAND THE DIABETIC FOOT, 1. Introduction, 2. Gait (Walking) Cycle, 3. Biomechanics, 4. Great Toe, 5. Heel, 6. Examination of Feet, 7. Classification and Staging, SECTION TWO : NEUROPATHIC FOOT, 8. Etiopathogenesis of Neuropathic Ulcers, 9. Sharp Injuries, 10. Shoe Bite, 11. Rat Bite, 12. Thermal Injuries, 13. Bullosum Diabeticorum, 14. Lateral Malleolar Bursitis, 15. Fissures (Cracks), 16. Intrinsic Minus Foot, 17. Deformities, 18. Limited Joint Mobility (LJM), 19. Plantar Callus, 20. Charcot Foot, 21. Local Gigantism, 22. Lessons from Leprosy Foot, 23. Plantar Ulcers, Management Principles, SECTION THREE: NAIL AND SKIN LESIONS, 24. Nail Lesions, 25. Diabetic Dermopathy, 26. Necrobiosis Lipoidica Diabeticorum, SECTION FOUR : INFECTED NEUROPATHIC FOOT, 27. Etiopathogenesis and Diagnosis of Foot Infection, 28. Non-Limb Threatening Infection, 29. Management of Non-Limb Threatening Infection, 30. Limb Threatening Infection, 31. Management of Limb Threatening Infection, 32. Necrotizing Fascitis, 33. Life Threatening Infection, SECTION FIVE : NEUROISHEMIC FOOT, 34. Clinical Signs and Symptoms of Ischemia, 35. Medial Arterial Calcification (Monckeberg`s Sclerosis), 36. Evaluation of Neuroischemic Foot, 37. Management of Neuroischemic Foot, SECTION SIX : AMPUTATION, 38. Gravity of the Problem of Leg Amputation, 39. Minor and Major Amputations, 40. Rehabilitation of the Amputee, SECTION SEVEN : PREVENTION OF THE DIABETIC FOOT, 41. Life Long Surveillance of the High-risk Feet, 42. Preventive Footwear, 43. Diabetic Foot Clinical and Team Approach, 44. Patient Education, SECTION EIGHT : OTHER ASPECTS, 45. Learning from Failures, 46. Maggots (Larval Therapy), 47. Newer Dressings, 48. Newer Therapies, ISBN 9788180611674

Pages : 218
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