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  Civil Military Relations: India - Pakistan

Civil Military Relations: India - Pakistan

by Major General Y. Bahl

  Price : Rs 595.00
  Your Price : Rs 464.10
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  The book compares the evaluation of civil-military in India and Pakistan int the post indipendence years. It highlights why unlike in Pakistan, there have been no -military interventions in politics in India. The armed forces of both countries inherited many common characteristics of Britisah Indian Armed Forces. Similarly the civil services of both the countries are originated from Indian Civil Services of the British era. The relations between political leadership and the bureaucracy on one hand and that between the latter and the army on the other have a direct bearing on military intervention, General Bhal is of the opinion that political culture , including political leadership, emerged as an important factor which affected the forms of civilan control over the military in India and Pakistan. The author observe , while the Indian military has internalized the concept of civilian supremacy, the Pakistan military have institutionalized its role in the political decision making. The book highlights that senior Indian military officers were responsible for establishing and maintaining a high code of conduct and enjoined to keep away from politics. It also brings out that politicians encouraged the civil bureaucracy to keep a strict control over the military. The book also suggest how can a policy makers ensure against unwanted or inappropriate military intrerventions in domestic politics.

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