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  Tara in Hinduism

Tara In Hinduism

by B.K. Bhattacharya

  Price : Rs 1450.00
  Your Price : Rs 1450.00
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  ISBN 8178540215 Tara is the second Mahavidhya of the Sakta pantheon, is an extremely popular godess of the Hindus in eastern India, particularly in Assam and West Bengsl. The ist chapter presents a survey of the development of the concept of thte Mother Goddess in Ancient India as gleaned from textual and archaeological sources, vis-a-vis the seedling of the godhead of Tara in her pleasent and terrible forms. The 2nd chapter includes : (1). Sanskrit (Roman) text, with english translation of the Taratantra, selections from the Rudryamala and the Brahmayamala, (2). Summaries in English of 26 primary texts of the Brahmanical cult of Tara, (3).. Descriptive union catalogue of manuscripts of 150 Sanskrit texts relating to this cult. The 4th Chapter deals with textual interpretations of 55 terms highlighting their historical, cultural, social, religious, spritual and philosophical imports in order to get a cult; Probes into its genesis in the pre-Vedic Indus Valley Civilization down its contributions to the formation of the sprit of swadeshi in present days.

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